As I don't want to bore you with repeated recipes, or more information than you really need about "Chick-a-strone" Soup, I thought I'd just post these two days together and suffice it to say I ate leftover soup both of these nights, with toasted whole grain bread from Crumbs Bakery in Athens. It seemed to keep getting better the longer it sat in the fridge, ending with a mug full yesterday which my girlfriend eagerly slurped down.
In the meantime, I spent the early week making Whole-Wheat Irish Soda Bread and Whole-Wheat Cut-Out cookies to send to a few of my loves for St. Patrick's Day. Below are some photos of the cookie-making process. This is the first time I'd made them with Organic White-Whole-Wheat flour instead of all-purpose. I heard they were delicious. I've given up dessert for Lent, so these little lucky gems made it in and out of my kitchen without managing to make their way into my mouth. Enjoy. The recipe for these cookies can be found in my blog titled "Milk and Cookies" from May of last year. Simply sub White-Whole-Wheat Flour for the all-purpose to make them this way.
Always remember to buy local and eat well!