An unseasonably warm night, a good round of playing catch on a baseball diamond, and fellowship with loved ones were the precursors to a perfectly paired meal for just such an occasion. Wednesday night was pizza night in my house.
Of course, pizza in my house is healthified and yummified. I made a whole-wheat and spelt crust, thick and doughy with crunchy edges. I topped that with some left-over homemade tomato sauce from the pot I made last Sunday (the worst thing about making a pot of sauce is using it up, but pizza is a great way to do it!), crumbled chicken sausage from King Family Farm, grilled red peppers (frozen from last summer) and red onion (from the Market), and a combination of Kenny's Farmhouse Norwood cheese and Laurel Valley Creamery's Country Jack Cheese. It was melty, bubbly, local and satisfying.
Always remember to buy local and eat well.
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